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> Publications
Dommo A, Philippon N, Vondou D, Sèze G, Eastamn R (2018) The June–September Low Cloud Cover in Western Central Africa: Mean SpatialDistribution and Diurnal Evolution, and Associated Atmospheric Dynamics. Journal of Climate, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0082.1
Article in Open Access
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Philippon N, Cornu G, Monteil L, Gond V, Moron V, Pergaud J, Sèze G, Bigot S, Camberlin P, Doumenge C, Fayolle A, Ngomanda A (2019) The ligth-deficient climates of western Central African evergreen forests. Environmental Research Letters, DOI : 10.1088/1748-9326/aaf5d8.
Article in Open Access
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N. Philippon, A. Ouhechou, P. Camberlin, J. Trentmann, A. H. Fink, J. D. Maloba, B. Morel, and G. Samba (2022) Characterization of Sunshine Duration in Western Equatorial Africa: In Situ Measurements versus SARAH-2 Satellite Estimates. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61(2), 185-201.
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Ouhechou, A. et al (2023) Inter-comparison and validation against in-situ measurements of satellite estimates of incoming solar radiation for Central Africa: From the annual means to the diurnal cycles, Atmospheric Research, 287,106711. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2023.106711.
Abstract: This study pictures for the first time incoming solar radiation mean evolution in Central Africa, intercomparing 8 gridded products (namely CERES-EBAF, CERES-SYN1deg, TPDC, CMSAF SARAH-2, CMSAF (…)
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Camberlin, P. et al. (2023) The representation of dry-season low-level clouds over Western Equatorial Africa in reanalyses and historical CMIP6 simulations. Climate Dynamics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-023-06714-w
Abstract: Within the equatorial zone, Western Equatorial Africa (WEA) has a record low sunshine duration during the June–September dry season due to the persistence of low clouds. This study examines the ability of two reanalysis products (ERA5 and MERRA-2) and eight CMIP6 (…)
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Champagne, O., Aellig, R. et al (2023) Climatology of low-level clouds over Western equatorial Africa based on ground observations and satellites. J. Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0364.1
Abstract : The tropical cloud forest ecosystem in Western Equatorial Africa (WEA) is known to be sensitive to the presence of an extensive and persistent low-level stratiform cloud deck during the long dry season from June to September (JJAS). Here we present a new climatology of the diurnal (…)
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Moron V et al (2023) Diurnal to interannual variability of low-level cloud cover over western equatorial Africa in May–October. Int. J. Climatology. Article in Open Access at : https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.8188
Abstract: This study examines the diurnal to interannual variations of the stratiform cloud cover in May–October (1971–2019) from a 3-hourly station database and from ERA5 reanalyses over western equatorial Africa (WEA). The main diurnal variations of the local-scale fraction and (…)
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