A bunch of papers published

Several papers have been recently published that bring insights about the low cloud cover mean space-time variations, its detection by satellites and representation in CMIP6 models and also about incoming solar radiation.

Camberlin, P. et al. (2023) The representation of dry-season low-level clouds over Western Equatorial Africa in reanalyses and historical CMIP6 simulations. Clim Dyn.

Champagne, O., Aellig, R. et al (2023) Climatology of low-level clouds over Western equatorial Africa based on ground observations and satellites. J. Climate.

Ouhechou, A. et al (2023) Inter-comparison and validation against in-situ measurements of satellite estimates of incoming solar radiation for Central Africa: From the annual means to the diurnal cycles, Atmospheric Research, 287,106711.

Moron V et al (2023) Diurnal to interannual variability of low-level cloud cover over western equatorial Africa in May–October. Int. J. Climatology.
Article in Open Access at : https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.8188

for more details about papers

Updated on 30 January 2024